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Country Lane Caretakers

Country Lane Caretakers (CLC) aim to assist people and businesses on Family Acreages, B&B's, Farmstays, Hobby Farms, Farm based Campsites, Rural property Accommodation and a range of other property owners in times of need. We started out in 2014 with a simple “Check-in, feed & water service”, that grew into overnight stays and doing other chores.

CLC offers itself as a Caretaker On-Call, to meet your short-term staffing needs, scheduled and unscheduled staffing requirements.


Helping you out over :


  • A few days

  • A week or two

  • One off or regular scheduled respite breaks

  • Maybe a whole season!



You’re gonna need a hand some time, so why not plan ahead?



CLC can help when you:


  • Need to attend off-site family emergencies

  • Have planned business and personal Vacations

  • Take a weekend getaway

  • Have peak occupancy

  • Need seasonal chores completed

  • Need to prepare for weather and fire emergencies


With qualifications and extensive experience in Natural Resource Management, CLC can help you out with:


  • Caretaker / sitting roles

  • Site Manager duties

  • Whole Farm Planning

  • Fire Risk assessment and fuel load reduction


Make an appointment for a site inspection and discussion.


Fees apply on a sliding scale depending on the service or combination of services.  See the fees section for a guide.

From simple stock minding to grounds & garden maintenance we can help you out.

Country Lane Caretakers… your Caretaker On-Call.

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