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Farm Planning


Farm planning is a topic of great interest to me. From simple hand drawn overlays to the latest in apps and software, there is a system for you. Farm plans, or Whole Farm Plans (WFP) are different from a business type plan (though include those as well) as it incorporates the environment into your business plan. You need a thorough understanding of the impacts the environment has on your business as well as the impacts your business has on the environment.


I specialise in the “starter” versions, something we can kick-off almost immediately. As a trainer I want you to have a plan first. What format or medium it takes and how accessible it is is up to you and your budget.



Farm Plans are for everyone


A farm plan is a fundamental requirement for everyone. It’s not just for Agri-business, and large landholders. If you want to improve your land, make the most out of every square metre and plan ahead, a fam plan helps put everything in place, and perspective. From the vegie patch, a road or pathway, to accommodation, water way protection… the list is endless…


Knowing the fundamentals and getting them in place is far more important than purchasing an app and getting all hi-tech. Though, once you work out how useful GIS / GPS and attaching photos, site plans, site surveys, native vegetation surveys, overlays, databases, and linking to everything from calendars to watering systems… you’ll be sold.


Where to learn about Farm plans


Go on line and research “Farm Plans” or "Whole Farm Plans". You’ll find information that may even be industry or produce specific, once you delve deeper.


The most user-friendly State “Ag departments” are the Victorian and Western Australian governments respective sites.They pop up in many searches for anything Ag-related. Others you have to fish around a bit.


Also look for your favourite Ag-school or university Ag-department.  For example close to where I grew up in NSW, was Tocal College. It has a massive list of activities, books, seminars that are available. Their field days are well known. For example, they have a publication on Farm planning that’s worth a look. It’s a basic how-to similar to what I coach. Check your local ag college.


Now, although it’s different hemispheres, climate, species etc etc, I have found (for various contacts in the US) some US Based Ag-departments in Universities were just an amazing wealth of accumulated “free” or open-source knowledge. Much of it online and real time. So, look further afield for your information for ideas and latest research and knowledge. The Americans are massive on networking, associations, and conferences. For some of us isolated Aussies to hear the latest word on new ideas equipment techniques and problem solving. So be open minded to getting information on your property and your activities from whatever source.

In this day and age of free information... as always, check your sources, compare with what reputable sources say... fact check everything!

Start your Farm plan


There are any number of private and commercial farm planning providers in Australia, just google search and take your pick. I have just listed Government agencies that are helpful!


Here are just some local sources on Farm planning.



Whole farm plans


Farm Plan preparation



Farm planning course


Farm planning workshops



Current as at January 2019

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Farm Planning 101

With some simple items you can start the graphical part of your Farm plan.

  • Aerial / Satellite picture

  • Topographic Map

  • Some Clear transparency film

  • Cadastral Boundary

  • Site survey

Ask me how?

Farm plans 01.jpg
Topo Map 001.jpg
Transparency 001.jpg
Cadastral Map 001.jpg
site survey 001.png
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