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Types of caretakers

Only you can decide if you need a permanent part-time local from town, a permanent off-site staff member as part of your team, a permanent on-site person / couple / family… a local student wanting some experience... there are a range of options to help you out.


In the interim, plan and budget for a “part time caretaker”, a Caretaker On-Call that can come to give you regular respite breaks, time off in an emergency… or maybe you dream of a weekend a month to yourself!


It doesn’t have to be Country Lane Caretakers, but having a regular caretaker of almost any kind will help. Someone that may be:


  • a specialist sitter, for minimal fees

  • an experienced practical handy person

  • a trade qualified all rounder

  • able to use maintain, repair and operate lawn care equipment

  • an environmental management qualified jack of all trades

  • a site manager with hospitality, travel and tourism experience

  • someone with animal husbandry skills

  • someone that can keep that generator going

  • someone that can cope with remoteness & solitude


 ... or someone that has a passion for Alpacas / goats / leading hikes around your property, or clean up, provide fire wood and keep an eye on things!


Get someone skilled that matches your needs and start raising your productivity.



Country Lane Caretakers…


Your Caretaker on call!

How are your....

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Mechanical, service, maintenance & repair skills?

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Coping with regional and remote living... need a break?

You're gonna need extra help sometime...

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