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What is a Caretaker?


For the purposes of this site, Caretakers are professional land carers, resource managers, site managers and site maintenance supervisors, and general “go-to” all-round professional people, that can help you out on your property.


In many cases on larger properties these positions can be full time permanent positions. I am offering to fill a temporary or regular part time caretaker role…


… your Caretaker On-call.


A caretaker on-call helps you when you need it most. Having permanent staff on site may not be a viable option for your circumstances, so who can you get help from?


A caretaker on-call is a cost effective way to get a helping hand, when you need it, in times of extra work loads or when taking a needed break.


There is a time and place for unpaid workers, but when you are short handed or just need a break, having untrained, inexperienced, unqualified and uninsured people “take-over”, is not the right time or place.


Unpaid labour needs careful training, management and supervision, and may have reliability issues. There are a whole range of practical, WHS, legal, ethical, and site security reasons why unpaid workers may not be the best choice.  They may not be from the area, may not speak your language, may not have experience, may not understand the challenges of rural and regional living or even like animals, or be able to use basic tools.


So, consider carefully who you will use to look after your property while you are away.


Professional Caretakers will assess your site, ask lots of questions and provide an agreed service to meet your needs on-time and on-budget.


Contact Country Lane Caretakers…


Don't leave home without us.


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Tour guiding, group management, hospitality, Travel and tourism skills?

You're gonna need extra help sometime...

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