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Business Planning


Business plans are a standard part of any good organisation. Usually they are key components in Farm & Non-farm businesses. Rural, Farming and agricultural businesses need both a Business Plan and a Farm Plan. Most include the business plan as part of the Farm Plan as they are interrelated.


The key difference is that Business Plans, for the most part are concerned with economic factors, whereas farm plans recognise the impacts that the natural environment such as: climate & weather, soils, vegetation, water and other natural resources, native and introduced pest animals and weeds and much more, have on the business activities.

There is no more harsh reality check of the interrealtionship between economics and the environment than when rain fall stops or winds blow away your topsoil or floods.These impacts need to be identified and management strategies developed and regularly assessed, reviewed and managed, to counter or harness the impacts these features have on the business..


Business plans are an important part of any business, and important to keep small businesses on track. In good times, you can update and refresh your business plans, add that "hair-brained" idea, and plans for the future that have evolved with the seasons.

One day, you may get to explore that scheme that hit you at 3am one morning... or it could end up being the new direction that saves your business in this world of health and economic challenge.

Most of us have put together a business plan when we first started our operations "just to get the loan" from the bank. Others may have had to drag it out when applying for membership to professional and business organisations, and made an update.

Business plans should be consulted and modified regularly.

When was your last update?

If you haven't updated your business plan recently, or in all this economic and health turmoil, thought about a New Business plan, you may already be behind the 8-ball! Better late than never!


I recently heard a national farmers representative, commenting on the Business Plan funding, say that,


'...we may not have a plan written down,

but we certainly have one in our heads...'

Another skeptic  questioning the allocation of this as a funding priority suggested that,


'... business plans have been done to death...'

If you have done your business plan to death, then you will be well prepared and already implementing strategies , diversifying your income, making savings, already indicated in your business plan, to counteract the effects of the economic and health down turn.

If you haven't done your business plan "to death"... then maybe now is the time to get one down! Maybe you can make time during the down-time we have had since the Start of 2020? Make use of the copious amounts of "inside" or "office time" we have.

Remember to claim all this extra "office time" and online expenditure... the ATO is already accepting standard claim allowances.... see your financial advisor.

Hopefully things will get back to the "new normal" we all hear about, but in the mean time, while things are slow. Wrap your head around the business plan you have stashed away in the file cabinet.

Government incentives

Even if the shut-downs and suburban lock-downs haven't directly affected you, the slowed global economy (markets, shipping & Transport, travel) and the expected long lead-in time or ramp-up will not be as optimistic some politicians have predicted.

Do you have a plan to weather the long period of ramp-up?

The government has implemented a spending package in recognition that property owners may need to be flexible, creative and agile and are providing funding for property owners to review, amend and update their Business plans.

Being "agile"

We often hear of successful businesses needing to be agile. Your new business plan might include more online sales, using the online environment more to develop sales, take advantage of new business opportunities, value adding, increased customer interactions (social media website development, blogs, updates, new offers) and new marketing strategies.

Where once your business was a bricks and mortar, "produce something and sell it".. the "New Normal" will need a new Business Plan to cope with the pivot from simple production to a more customer focused operation.

You were handy with your stock animals or plant variants and biosecurity or organic status, but how are you IT, Advertising, Marketing and creative writing skills?

Time to up-skill!




The "New Normal" business plan


As mentioned previously in the Farm planning information, the kind of Buisness plan suggested here, is meant for the smaller property owner enterprises and activities.

So take advantage of the economic slow-down, and the government funding  to develop a plan that has you navigating your way through this lengthy crisis.

See your financial advisor about how the funding may be of help to you.

if the funding is not available in your circumstances Country Lane Caretakers can help with a basic Business plan similar to the farm planning template.



Where to learn about Business plans


Go on line and research Business Plans. You’ll find information that may even be industry or produce specific, once you delve deeper. try a Google-search of "Alpaca Business plan" or "Marron Business Plan"!

Who knows what you will find?


If you do any Small (or Large) business course, Business start-up courses or any related business or management course, you will cover Business Planning in there somewhere


In this day and age of free information... as always, check your sources, compare with what reputable sources say... fact check everything!


Start your Business plan


As with the Whole Farm Plan, I have created a simple template that you can down load and use as the basis for you Business plan.

Once again I have done the hard part and Found what you need to put in it based on the standard requirements  that registered training organisations (RTO) are required to cover in their classes.

If you want formal recognition and a qualifications, see your local or online RTO for course costs and content. They will require you to complete and present a Business plan as part of the requirements to "pass" the course and get your qualification.

I strongly recommend participation in this or the Farm planning elememts... they are worth the course fees and time, as they step you through every aspect.

an example of a course that includes business plans are the own and operate Small business / Micro Business operations depending on your preferrred provider. they usually run at between $1500 -2000 and run for a couple of months depending on contact structure (ie 1 night a week for 3 months or more compact plus "homework".

If its been a while since you have been back at school take the face to face classes where possible.

I have simply taken what they require and summarised it word for word, line by line. If you fill in the template I provide, you will have completed the minimum standard information they are required to assess you on.

The template follows the the latest guidlines and gives you the headings and suggestions and promts to complete the Business plan.

Like the Farm Plan you would be expected to write more than a line or a single dot point on each topic. That choice is up to you. Though, If you put nothing into it... you should expect to get absolutely nothing out of it!

Business Planning


This page is currently in the middle of updating and editing



As always, I have sourced my information from reputable sources:


The the unit of competency upon which I base my Business Plan Template is sourced from:

Develop and implement a business plan BSBMGT617

released 25/Mar/2015 (current 01.07.20)



Assessment Requirements for BSBMGT617 Develop and implement a business plan






This unit of competency and its assessment requirements are freely available from:

This unit of competency is part of the:


BSB - Business Services Training Package (Release 6.0)

released 03/Dec/2019


Developed under the auspices of the Australian Government Department of Education, Skills and Employment joint State & territory Governments initiative "" found at:




Business Plan 001.jpg

Business Planning


This page is currently in the middle of updating and editing


Link to redacted Business Plan Template

coming soon





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Business Planning


This section is currently in the middle of updating and editing...

come back soon.








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