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Income Diversification Strategies


No matter the size, nature, history, current activity, environmental limitations, development & planning restrictions, owner’s interests and skills, your property can be used for activities that augment the current activities, supplement income generation and make sustainable and efficient use of the current property footprint.


Most properties utilise only a small percentage of the footprint or only implement minimal or inefficient use of the potential productivity of the land available. Implementing any improvements will increase value, amenity and potential productivity, and provide a range of diverse income generation and potential reduction in operational costs.

Sustainable diversification.


Try and make your efforts count.


For example, conservation works such as planting wind breaks serve a range of purposes and can be exploited in the long term for income diversification.


By planting extensive native boundary plantings, you will of course improve the amenity of your property. But also consider the contribution to wildlife habitat if you plant out and extra couple of metres. Any stock on site will benefit from wind and shade. And your soils will be stabilised and water table raised.


By planting bird, bee and butterfly friendly flowering hedges you get the benefits of the above, plus some honey for sale or wildlife habitat for Farm Stay visitors to view up close. So, think of the opportunities rehabilitating your land will have, beyond the immediate.


Think of how to integrate your farm plan and business opportunities into sustainable environmental practice.


Case Study


A small property subdivided from a former sheep grazing operation. This subdivision has no direct access to flowing water. It does have a bore and surface water courses that flow, after rain, to dams.


The property now has limited to zero commercial carrying capacity for stock, due to poor land management practices and unsustainable business model of previous landholders.


The rainfall, although low, has historically been seasonally consistent with periods of drought.


A legacy of poor, outdated, inappropriate or inefficient infrastructure leaves the property with limited productivity. These factors combined to make the property available below previous valuations.

Water: addressing just one issue


Water is a key issue in mind where generational and historically poor land management practices, poor water usage, inefficient storage and movement, inaccurate water allocations based on flawed assumptions and calculations, increased drought events, totally lacking government and legislative levers, down to criminal conduct (water stealing, illegal accounting & storage practices) and neglect, have resulted in many properties without water.


Landholders, especially at the smaller scale, may need to become completely water self sufficient through water capture, reticulation and recycling, reuse and repurposing, and other on-site treatment strategies.


By improving the current water supply or increasing water availability on site, you may increase the amount of income diversification opportunities.


Address any range of other issues and even more opportunities may arise.


Where to start? In this case study solution?


Start adding more and more storage tanks, elevated where possible. Building to large scale 200 000L tanks


Start small with drums or tanks with 1000-5000L collecting from every roof area.


These small tanks can be cost effective on a budget, easily installed and require minimal expertise to get up and running.


Your vegie garden, pets and stock will thank you for it! Crystal clear, sediment free rain water!


Build up from there. Locate larger tanks on elevated land and pump from your smaller tanks. Rely on gravity for your household and firefighting needs where possible.

Calculate the potential water supply on your property.


For every 1mm of rain, every square metre of roof can collect up to 1 Litre!


1mm rain x 1m2 roof area = 1 Litre


Eg average of 200mm rainfall per year on a 10m2 small shed = 2000L / year

(1in of rain for every square feet of roof area = 0.623 gallons)


Your pets / stock will thrive on clean and clear rainwater rather than old style dams. Dams lose much of their capacity through seepage and evaporation. Tanks eliminate these loses.



Many people don’t budget the water resource they have. By using the above calculation you can work out a maximum amount available. You will still have losses and inefficiencies. So the above is the maximum.


Work out, for example your water budget for toilets, laundry showers / baths, drinking cooking how much water each dish washing uses!


Number of people, quantity in litres per use, flush, laundry load, shower etc number of uses


eg 1 person x 1 flush x 8L x 365 = 2 920L per year…if they only flush once a day!


Across a family, accounting for all use, this can be a staggering amount if you get all your water from variable quality river flows and rainfall.


Think about major water savings with dry, composting and worm farm toilets or fitting, or retro-fitting, grey water use for toilets.

I read somewhere,


'... that we can not consider ourselves

in water shortage

while ever

we wash our clothes, our cars,

and flush our toilets

with clean, clear, treated,

world standard, drinking water...'



To me, it's like using "bottled water" to flush toilets or fill a washing machine... !

Start small and build capacity.


A small tank here… a compost system there… it doesn’t have to be expensive.


By simply starting a small to medium scale worm farm and composting, mosaic- pattern rehabilitation of the soil could extend the tired soils to a higher carrying capacity of animals, growing food trees or carry ornamental or food gardens.


By simply spreading compost and vermicast and using grey water on the lawn inside your Home paddock you can have greenery where there once was none!


Working your way outward, select the next location for the retrieved nutrients and start greening that area… and so on. As you perfect your system and can produce more compost, spread it wider and wider.


Utilising a simple grey water reticulation system you’ll be complaining about mowing in a couple of seasons!


Just these few small suggestions, water use, reticulation & reuse, recycling and reducing consumption and repurposing waste back into the nutrient cycle, through composting vermiculture and basic permaculture principles, can improve the productivity and potential land uses your property can sustain.


Work up towards larger composting strategies and water reticulation systems once you work out what’s best for your property. Don’t invest large amounts on large systems, that may not work

Just one improvement...

The above Case Study discusses one improvment to your property that could lead to a range of small scale Income Diversification strategies...

Small scale ideas


In the right-hand column, I have suggested some income diversification ideas that can be started at the small scale and ramped-up as you perfect tose skills or develop new ones.


Contact Country Lane Caretakers for a consultation and further discussion of these activities.

Income Diversification Strategies

Ask about my comprehensive list of potential income diversification strategies that you could implement on your property.

I have created a number of tables that have:

  • more than 70 pages

  • 100 "Activity Areas"

  • Scaleable ideas


Each with a whole range of variations within the "activity areas"


From little to no budget and making do with what you have available


To major projects suitable for small to medium sized properties.

I have compiled tables that act as prompts that might lead you off onto other ideas or ones that might work with the natural resources available on your land.

Following is a free link to the "Sample" Income Diversification Strategies

Message me for a copy of the actual template.

A "site test special" for the actual template is $10.00 AUD.

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Travel & Tourism activities


Income Diversification



Without giving away specifics, here are some areas in which you could consider exploring to value-add to your property.

Each of these areas have any number of options you could investigate and form part of the Income diversification strategy tables mentioned above.

  • Accommodation options

  • Adventure education activities

  • Agricultural

  • Aquaculture

  • Arts & Crafts

  • Building construction & Design

  • Business & professional services

  • Conservation projects

  • Construction & Earth Works

  • Consulting

  • Community & social activities

  • Culture & History

  • Disability services support & activities

  • Education (mainstream)

  • Events management & Planning

  • Experiential Education programs

  • Farm Planning & Management

  • Fitness & Wellbeing

  • Food & Beverage

  • Forestry & Siviculture

  • Historical themed site

  • Hospitality

  • Hydroponics

  • IT & Communication

  • Mental Health programs & support

  • Philanthropic activities

  • Power Generation & storage

  • Public & Community health

  • Real Estate management

  • Religious & Faith-based activities

  • Sports activities

  • STE(A)M related programs

  • Team building & self improvement

  • Tech based specialty services

  • Trade related activities

  • Training, development & design

  • Travel and Tourism

  • Vocational Training

  • Waste Management & Reduction

  • Water Management & Reduction

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Vocational Education & Training options


Why Diversify?

Diversifying your activities on your property simply ensures income isn't just generated at that "one time of the year".

With a few projects and activities going you may be able to spread out the peaks and minimise the troughs.

we could simply tap into a hidden talent or one you've been busting at the seams to show-off!

Income diversification can help:


  • Generate income and investment returns

  • Increase property values and amenity

  • Reduce  or off-set costs & expenses

  • Provide for onsite self-sufficiencies

  • Build on your philanthropic goals & give back to the community

  • Produce environmental improvements

  • Increase on-site productivity

  • Reduce waste and environmental degradation

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Aquaculture might just work!

Diversify your skills

Get smart, get skilled

There are government initiatives to train and educate everyone. In NSW  "smart and skilled", is rolling out and the Victorian Government has subsidised a large number of places in TAFE... so check your local schemes.

Your local government area may have courses and may get a recognised Cert I, II, II or IV out of it!

Take a course

  • do a refresher

  • get updated

  • get a qualification

  • study under a master / guru or whatever ... cheesemaker, wool producer, horse whisperer!

Multiskill & Diversify

Following from above, are there skills you need or could use to increase or diversify your onsite income?

Can you take on campers, Farmstayers.  and B&B'ers?

Is that what you already do? Can you grow some hydroponic vegetables, raise some aquaculture Marron or fish? Think about keeping bees. We need more pollenators!

Maybe you have skills or interests that can value add to the produce you already create?

What about value-adding to a neighbours produce?

Country Lane Caretakers....'s more than just a sitter!


Harness your Resources


The whole idea of country and rural living is to make the best of what you have, whether it be water, sunshine, staff or the great view you have.

By utilising all of your resources, you make for a more sustainable property with more viable activities.



Make the most of:


  • The Natural and Human resources on your property.

  • Your skills, education, training, experience and knowledge.

  • The location, character, history and ambiance of your property.

  • Your hobbies, interests and passions.

  • The locals and their experience.

  • Your innovative and inquisitive mindset

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Simple... elegant... event hosting

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