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Landholder information

Country Lane Caretakers is more than just sitting! I have a passion for passing on knowledge & ideas. As an experienced Vocational Education Trainer (VET) trainer, one of my goals is to help you become as successful and self-sufficient as possible.

If I do my job well, over time, you shouldn't need too much help! You'll have developed your own plans for everything from seasonal help to succession planning, income diversification strategies to on-site self-sufficiencies and sustainable practices.

Who doesn't need some help, information and ideas sometime?

Following, I will add some items of interest to landholders in relation to using a caretaker, and how a professional caretaker can help you out. This information is provided to assist you get the right help at the right time.



This are just helpful ideas and handy hints. You need to get much more detailed advice than the few lines added here.

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